The HTC One X is desirable with a generous 4.7-inch screen and a 1280 x 780 display. It also features 1 GB of RAM and is equipped with a Snapdragon quad core processor and a 416 MHz Nvidia Geforce ULP. The HTC One X also features 16 or 32 GB memory without an SD card slot. It operates on Android 4.0.4 with HTC Sense 4.0 UI.
The problem is that network operators require buyers to pass credit checks when applying for mobile phone contracts. Getting the HTC One X is difficult for those with bad credit ratings. There are few UK mobile phone companies that offer two-year phone contracts to individuals with bad credit ratings. However, T-Mobile, O2 and 3 are on the lenient side.
Individuals with bad credit ratings can apply to companies like PhonesForAll, IntoMobilePhones or MoneySupermarket. These companies are especially welcoming to people with bad credit. All these companies require is that you are over 18 years of age, have proof of your address and can provide credit or debit card details.
IntoMobilePhones offers two-year contracts with Orange on the HTC One X. One affordable plan starts at around £20.50 a month. This plan features unlimited texts, 200 call minutes and 100 MB of internet. Another option at around the same price offers unlimited texts, 100 call minutes and 500 MB of internet.
O2 has plans starting at around £14.00 per month. This gets buyers unlimited texts, up to 200 minutes of calls and your choice of 100 MB internet or 200 MB internet. T-Mobile offers one plan starting at £21.00 per month with unlimited texts, 100 call minutes and 1 GB internet. With these options, it is possible to buy an HTC One X with bad credit.